Monday, 21 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Almost there

The three or so friends I have on FacebookTubeSpacehave noticed some rather spurious countdown-style status updates lately. This has all been down to the fact that I'm nearing the end of my involvement a business I've been running for ten years. It would be true to say that the split with my business partner has been less than amicable, but that story is not for these pages....

Monday, 8 June 2009

Baaad mother

A glorious sunny day on a secluded Devon beach. Three slightly hot people, three perfect ice creams, what could possibly go wrong?

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Thursday, 12 March 2009

I can't believe...

...this is my first computer rant! I'd have thought I'd done one before now considering the amount of time I seem to spend coaxing these flaky machines to do what I want - sometimes to the extent of shouting at them to JUST FACKING TURN ON!!!!

Today was pretty typical: a full day's work to carry out, creating groovy graphics for another hip and happening school promotional film. But, what's this? The disk in which all my work lives has decided not to appear. Fantastic! Let me have another coffee and a blood pressure tablet...

I managed to narrow it down to a simple power cable fault and got the drive to appear. But at one point the bleeding machine wouldn't even turn on! Good job the wean was at nursery otherwise she would have seen her daddy reduced to a weeping wreck!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Customer Service???

Been a while but thought I'd let rip a little about a prime example of awful customer service. The doorbell went this evening around 8.20 and I was greeted by a young man holding out a scruffy ID paper (no picture on it). He started a well-worn schpiel about raising money for homeless people and just carried on regardless, oblivious to my polite requests to keep the level down as our daughter was asleep.

Every time I interjected he just ignored me, so I got a tad annoyed. Eventually I heard the littl'un coughing a bit over the intercom and said so to him, at which point he let forth a barrage of abuse, cussing me up and down as if I'd spat in his face.

"You're not going to sell many dusters with that attitude," I told him as I shut the door on another torrent of swearing.
